vineri, 30 mai 2014

Dragos Bojin - Ghosts (Naluci)

A week ago Mihai Plesu from Origame Studio pointed this young Romanian artist to us_ Dragos Bojin. Striking artwork, on fairly large canvases (6x4 ft) violently painted, in a sincere way. We decided on the spot to give him a shot and insert a show on an empty slot, at the beginning of the month of June (June 6th – 13th, 2014), as our Balkan Expressionism exhibition of Marina Obradovic has been pushed to June 14th, 2014.

There is something intriguing about this young artist’s work. (It resembles, of course of Munch, but this is not the case.) It is a collective scream that vibrates and sums up a state of a nation completely debilitated in terms of artistic life. We sensed in Bojin’s work a cold fear of a whole young generation of artist with absolutely no chance to make it in the art world, due to the fact that there is no structure for such to grow in the Romanian art business environment.

Artists like Bojin subconsciously realize that they are born dead no matter how good they are. Once you are sincere to yourself as an artist, your art will be mean, bad ass and violent because you don’t hide anymore one scream, you have to let go the screams of an entire lost generation that will have to drop out art and go to work in advertisement industry in order to bring food to the table. That's why Bojin's scream is important_ he screams for everyone!

The public should look at Bojin’s art as an artist self-defensive mechanism going rotten that exploded on canvas. this body of work is an act of war toward a society that simply does not give a fuck about great artist with no future. 

Please point this show as part of our Balkan Expressionism, a movement dedicated to courageous artists.


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